
this is an idle game with no other purposes more than clicking and watching a number go up.


clicks : your currency in this game
click power : determine how many clicks will go up when you click the 'click' button
c/s : click per second, you will gain that number of click each second. (if time goes faster, the passive clicks will also be more)
diamonds : receive randomly and by rebirthing, can bought useful stuff. Is not loss when rebirth.
rebirth : count how many time you rebirth, game time will be much faster with many rebirths.

keyboard shortcuts

spacebar to click, number 1-5 to upgrade in that order

made by humanbowlingpin


this is essentially rebirthing, you will lose all your clicks, click power, and c/s. the shop value will double. what you will get is diamonds as many as your rebirth units, and time will goes x2 times faster.

each time after rebirthing games will get a little bit harder to get start. you will keep your diamond tho so here's tip : store as much diamond as you can before rebirthing to get yourself a head start.

if you don't want to see this popup anymore just press '6' to instantly rebirth

Idle Clicker Game

0 click
1 click power
0 c/s
0 diamond
0 rebirth
+1 click power
cost 10 clicks
+1 click per second
cost 100 clicks
double click power
cost 1 diamonds
double click per second
cost 10 diamonds
speed up the game x2!
cost 10000+ clicks